Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Holy week of workouts!

I didn't realize I hadn't written in about a week. Well let me catch you all up (all six of you :-)

Last week was the beginning of two workouts a day a couple days a week plus single workouts 6 days a week and outside of the sore muscles it was good!

Saturday was our first brick aka run/bike/run. I ran a one mile warm up, 12 miles on the bike and finished with a two mile run. I was tired and had to push but I completed it!!!

Sunday was my day off and then Monday back at it with weights in the morning and swimming at night. Tuesday was a 4.59 mile run (but need to work on my time). Today I hit the gym for 30 minutes of cardio and weights, tonight is run practice. I'm pretty proud of my committment but I'm sooooo tired!

I thought you were supposed to feel more energized when you worked out, I have to fight to stay away driving to work....

Tomorrow my goal is to go for a 16 mile bike ride... but I do enjoy riding with the clip in shoes and havne't fallen over yet....

Thursday, December 17, 2009

No Pain No Gain.... who said this?

The run last night was not near as bad as it could have been, the rain seemed to subside for the hour! We did a 10 minute warm up and then ran to a hill and had to run up it three times. We all know running is not my strength and pretty much hate it but being last SUCKS!!! I'm in decent shape but I'm always last on the running stuff. I really need to work on this and get more runs into speed up my pace....

After the hills we did a cool down then some lunges and core exercises. I thought for sure the lunges would kill me since I did weights yesterday morning but actually, it wasn't bad.

After practice a few of us went out for drinks and food, it was fun but then back home and straight to bed.

I got up at 5:45am to pick Katie up at 6am to hit the gym. Yes, I'm basically working out every 12 hours! Workout was good but it was difficult to muster all of the energy I needed to get a solid workout done. My entire body is sore from weights and can only imagine what day two will feel like tomorrow... not to mention we do weights again. Is this what it feels like to be on the Biggest Loser? So painfull.....

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

3 Days in a Row!!!

Yes! I have hit the gym three days in a row at 6am! Yesterday was cardio and abs but today was my first day back at weights in a few weeks. Legs, arms, back and abs! I'm going to be sore tomorrow and still have a run tonight, which will most likely be in the rain....

Someone tell me again why I voluntarily signed up to do this to myself...? Oh ya, for charity. Sometimes you have to give till it hurts,I think tomorrow it's really going to hurt :-(

Monday, December 14, 2009

6am at the gym!

Yesterday I took the day off from my workouts but today I was up with vengence! I hit the gym at 6:15am started out with some cardio and then weights... it was legs today. My goal is to do two workouts a day at least 3 days a week plus a single workout 3 days a week.

Working on fundraising idea's so stay tuned for event details!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Back in the Saddle

It was dark when I woke up this morning... outta bed, brush my teeth, comb hair and strategically plan what clothes and how many layers I needed to put on to stay warm for an 8am bike ride on Mercer Island. started with long sleeved shirt, northface pullover with hood (medium weight), windblock jacket and topped it off with windbreaker. Pants were fleece inside with windblock front and bike shorts on top. Out the door at 7:30am

Arrive at destination at 8:00am, beanie on head, windblock gloves (who ever invented this is a genius!) and helmet. This was my first ride with clip in pedals and fancy bike shoes, whoooo, hoooo!

Off we went to round around Mercer Island, it was really cold but I was well bundled :-) The only part of me that was cold pretty much the entire 13 mile ride were my toes, at one point I wasn't sure I was ever going to get the feeling back. I even had the thought that my toes would need to be amputated do to frost bite.

The ride was completed in a little over an hour and I felt good! I warmed up at a cafe with fellow teammate/mentor brainstorming for fundraisers.

Thinking maybe a yoga class tomorrow to help stretch my muscles.... that should make for an interesting story :-)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sorry for the delay....

Hello, I have been slacking on my blog... I apologize but no good stories have been missed. I've been having a difficult time doing outdoor exercise in the cold and it has increased my sports induced asthma so need to make a Dr.'s appt to get an inhaler if I want to continue to push my self AND breath.

While I haven't been hitting the coached workouts, I have hit the gym regularly to keep my cardio stamina up. Not sure I will be able to make the coached bike ride on Saturday but going to try but I should be back onboard all of the workouts next week:-)