Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday B4 the Race


I woke at 5am (8pm pacific)and got some work in. Then it was time to put on the uniform and back my bag, we were going to do our first mini tri for the race. The last couple miles of the run course are on dirt/lava paths that look a little sketchy and we literally run through the resort back to the beack to finish where we started.

I met up with the team, feeling a bit antsy not knowing what to expect. We rode our bikes to the swim area, set up our transition area and then hit the water. I have never swam in open water... wait, that's not true.. does jumping off a boat adn swimming around count as an open water swim?

Anyway, when I first started swimming with the group it was freaky. I had to calm down a smidge but wasn't going to stop, once I got my pace going I was fine! After the swim we run to our transition area, put on socks, bike shoes and helmet to start the ride portion. Once I was riding the bike, I was like (explative) YA!!!!! We rode for 30 minutes then came back for the run.

Again, at transition helmet off, hat on change shoes and off ya go! The area we ran is the true beginning of the run over lava rocks, it's harder than I thought it would be. We jogged up to the street and back, not to far but it was an awesome feeling when I was done. I have the confidence I need to compete in the race.

We will do another tri-training tomorrow but then it's game on! I'm so excited and glad that I agreed to try this with Team in Training, it is a great program was an amazing group of people!

The Final Days

it's been a while since I have blogged but I guess I didn't have much to say...
BUT, I landed in Hawaii on Wednesday and was a bit apprehensive. I went for a four mile run and saw a couple people on the team but kept to myself for the evening.

I watched the sun go down over the ocean while drinking a glass of wine...heaven!

Thursday, I went for a run and it was HOT! I had a headache and was not motivated to run very far, while running I ran into a group of teammates that had just completed a swim. I was feeling a little depressed at not being included but "whatever" I was on my run anyway.

I headed back to the room where I finished up my work but decided to quit being a baby! I hit the Lagoon Pool/beach where I ran into a couple of lady teammates. It was great! We chatted, had lunch with other people and everyone started to congragate together, I felt like a true part of the team.

At 4pm we all met for bike pick up and then we hit the showers. We all met up at 6:45 to hit Kona Brewery for dinner, the pizza was really good. Fun was had by all, we left at around 9pm, hit the grocery store then home to bed.

Monday, March 1, 2010

No More Days Off!

So, I wasn't as dilgent last week as I should have been... I bailed on Spin Wednesday morning to sleep in and took Thursday off. I did run on Wednesday night though.

Saturday was an 8mile run and I haven't ran that far since I was training for 1/2 marathon a few years ago. I did it in an hour and 21 minutes which is just over a 10 minute mile so I was happy with that. But my legs started to get sore Saturday night and are still sore today (Monday morning). I was supposed to ride Chilly Hilly but bailed on Saturday night :-( I should have rallied on Sunday morning but my legs were sore and not sure how I would do on a 33 mile bike ride with a bunch of hills?

Tonight is swim practice and then rushing home to watch the Bachelor finally! Please don't pick Vienna!!!!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The count down is on!

It is barely over a month until the Lava-Man tri is Hawaii! My injuries have healed (ankle and elbow)!
Today was running track practice so we did a 10 minute warm-up, then ran 800's as fast as we could (2xaround the track) and then 400 recovery (once around track) then a 10 minute cool down. It was a good practice, I was averaging about a 9 minute mile which is really good for since I'm not a big runner.

Last Saturday we biked 25 miles then ran 4 miles, it was an awesome sunny morning so the ride and run were beautiful! I completed this in just under 3 hours... not sure if I'm impressed or depressed... ah hell I worked out for almost three hours that ROCKS!!!!

This Saturday we are running 6-8 miles, hoping it doesn't rain. I have a few trips coming up and will challenge me to get my workouts in while I'm out of town.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Crazy Couple Weeks

I'm a bit behind on my blog... guess I'm not a very good blogger :-( Here are the highlights of the last couple weeks.
Two weeks ago on a Saturday which is our long workout, we road 26 miles, the longest ride to date! It was good, one really challenging hill but I road my way (slowly) to the top and enjoyed the ride down.

Unfortunately, not long after the hill I had my first experience with forgetting to clip my feet out of my pedals before attempting to stop and tipped over.... it's was like slow motion, the bike and I went together. I was fine but got a nasty bruise on my elbow where it hit the ground to break my fall. At least know one I know saw me fall but lots of people in cars did!

Then I was off to DC for work and managed to get up at 6am (3am pst) to run on the treadmill. I was having a good workout until the fire alarm went off and my run was cut short at 3 miles.

This past Saturday was a HUGE workout, bike 20 miles and then run 4 miles (or 40 minutes). I worked out for 2 hours and 17 minutes! I'm off to Palm Springs this week to visit my parents so hoping to get in a few good swims and runs in the heat to see how my body is affected. Many of you know that I'm not good at exercising in the sun.... gives me migraines and makes me nauseous. What I was thinking signing up for a triathlon in Hawaii is beyond me... wishful thinking I guess.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


This past week as been good but tiring, if you workout a lot aren't you supposed to have more energy? I'm always tired.... My legs are sore from Tuesdays weight training, yesterdays spin challenging and Mondays swim was ok. I slept in this morning so need to hit the gym tonight.

I'm still not running, my ankle is still bothering me a bit so I'm hoping if I let it rest it will heal faster.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Committed & Recovering

A week has passed since my incident with the stairs and my ankle is doing much better. I'm back at the gym swimming, cycling and cardio machines. The only thing I can't do is run.... this will pose a problem at some point given it's my weakest part of the process.

Yesterday was recommitment to TNT and guaranteed I would raise $5900 or pay the difference. It was scary to sign this paperwork and know I'm financially on the line for this. I have a couple of fundraisers planned and hoping this will get me where I need to be.

Yesterday, was also the first day with new trainer and it was good! I think I'm going be sore later today but having someone push you is inspiring. Katie (my workout partner) and I do weights on regular basis but Kevin (trainer) really pushed the limits! We will be doing this twice a week with him and looking forward to our bikini bodies!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Strong vs The Stairs

The week was off with a BANG! I hit the gym on Monday morning for 30 minutes of cardio and then weights. Off to work and things were going well. At 7pm I left for the pool for our coached swim from 8pm - 9pm. It had been a couple weeks but I was working on my stroke and gliding with the best of them.

A bit tired after that but rallied to watch the Bachelor with a glass of wine and Katie.

Tuesday morning, I woke up a little late but rallied to jump on the treadmill and get a run in before work. While coming down the stairs, I missed a step, twisted by ankle and landed on my ass. I had to lay there for a few minutes because I was feeling light headed. I finally found my way to the couch, called my brother and off to the Dr. I went.

Thankfully, my ankle is not broken but it is nice and sprained.... this puts a bit of glitch in my tri-training :-( I've been resting my ankle, icing, elevating and taking Advil in the hopes it heals quickly. Today it feels a bit better but still swolen and sore.

Damn those stairs!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

A big day of workouts

Getting back into the swing of things this week has been hard. Monday I got in a little cardio and weights but missed swim practice cuz I fell asleep (guess I was tired). Tuesday, I couldn't get it together...

But Wednesday, I rocked it out! I hit a 6:15am spin class then straight to weights. I was feeling good about the day but one more workout to go, I had running practice at 7pm and shockling I did pretty well!

The goal this morning was to get a swim in but all of those workouts yesterday kicked my butt and I couldn't get out of bed in time :-( I'm yawning as I type this, one of those big, eye watering kind of yawns....

Maybe I will get a walk with the dogs in after work...
But tomorrow is spin and weights again for sure!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Goodbye Holidaze

Now that the holidays are over so are my excuses for not working out everyday as scheduled! I did manage to get in two workouts last week, one being a run in Las Vegas but Flamingo Dr has a lot of cars :-(

I don't believe in New Year's Resolutions so I have nothing to report on that but today I was back at the gym. I did 20 minutes of cardio and weights. Tonight is swim practice! I am attempting to cook more to eat heathy...we all know I don't do that which could be causing the delay in my weight loss.

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