Thursday, November 26, 2009

Painful Spinning

Tuesday was a train on our own - bike. So I signed up for a popular spin class at the gym I belong to. I had only done spin once before and was not a fan but thought with my new found motivation it might not be so bad. Oh, how I was WRONG!!!!!

I entered the room of bikes and made my way to a corner where I was fairly close to an overhead fan. I started riding to warm up, so far so good! The instructor comes in, turns on the music and we start our ride.

Within 15 minutes, I am absolutely miserable but I keep going.... as the class goes on the instructor starts shouting numbers, 80, 85, 90, 95....100! This is I guess what the "cadence" number was supposed to be but not totally sure. The first round of this, I stay with the instructors instructions making to 120 and then back down. Randomly thrown in are quarter turns and half turns of level difficulty.

30 minutes into this class all I could think about was if I was going to throw up or pass out first.... while the instructor is still shouting out numbers 85.....90....95....100....105.....110 - I can barely keep mine above 70 (which I don't think is good). I was absolutely miserable, my face was beat red, I had a throbbing headache, numbers being shouted and not sure if I was gonna throw up or pass out.....

When class was close to ending I had an epiphany! This is how we should torture prisoners at Guantanomo Bay! As far as I'm confirmed this is the worst torture to endure and I will not be attending any spin classes in the near future.

My cycle training will consist of riding outside or doing a program in one of the cardio rooms.

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